Tools dan Strategi Penerapan Distance Learning di Indonesia

Distance learning menjadi hal umum baru yang muncul ke permukaan selama masa pandemi ini. Semua tingkatan pendidikan harus menerapkan metode pembelajaran ini untuk mencegah penyebaran pandemi lebih meluas.

Untuk membantu instansi pendidikan dalam merancang strategi penerapan distance learning, saya dan beberapa teman dari Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo membuat penelitian tentang alat dan strategi distance learning dengan judul:

Tools and Strategy for Distance Learning to Respond COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia


Distance learning is a learning process that allows students and instructors are in different physical locations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, various countries including Indonesia chose the distance learning option to avoid the spread of the pandemic. However, the implementation of distance learning is not without problems. In Indonesia, the problems to implementdistance learning are enormous both in terms of equitable distribution of infrastructure and costsfor accessing the internet. To overcome these problems,research about best distance learning tools and its implementation strategy isreally needed.Therefore, this researchaimed to analyze the strategies and tools for implementing distance learning that reliable and cost-effectivefor the student at the same time. Based on research that has been conducted by analyzing questionnaire surveys of 256 students in Indonesia, this research recommendstools combination strategy consists ofGoogle Classroom tool as a learning app, Whatsapp group as broadcast messaging and Zoom as a video conference media for distance learning. This researchalso recommended to maximize the e-learning/learning appfeatures for theoretical lessons and considervideo conferencejust in practical lessons so that the distance learning costs become cheaper for students.

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Semoga paper ini dapat menjadi rujukan lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia dalam menerapkan distance learning.

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